No Equipment, A Busy Schedule and A Non-Restrictive Diet

In This Training You'll Learn How To:
Optimize Your Training
Workout only 3 times per week and still attain the lean muscular physique you desire. I'll show you how to maximise your mobility and fix those irritating aches and pains in your body, as well as your posture.
Tailor Your Nutrition
Fuel your body for more energy and better results without sacrificing the foods you love, whilst healing your gut in the process.
Master Your Mind
Overcome mental barriers, destroy limiting beliefs, reduce your stress and anxiety and recreate your self-identity to produce lasting results.
WARNING: If you aren't ready to take action on your fitness goals for this year, don't bother watching.
Will 2024 Be Your Year?

You've repeatedly lied to yourself. Enough with the broken promises.
Listen up.
There is no one coming to help you. Stop staring at the mirror disappointed in person staring back at you.
Michal Zurawski, Founder of MZFitness Coaching
Don't Believe Me?
Let The Results Speak For Themselves…

Still Not Convinced?
Here's A Sneak Peak Of Our Proven Framework
Handcrafted, Tailored Workouts
How can one program produce the same results for different people? Makes no sense, right? For this reason, we DO NOT offer cookie cutter, microwaved programs that produce short-lived results. Everything is tailored to you.
Elite Nutrition and Meal Plans
We don't just track daily macros and protein ​goals, We educate you on superfoods to base your diet around, while taking into consideration your allergies and dietary restrictions.
Mindset Mastery
Without destroying your limiting beliefs. Without recreating your identity, it's impossible for you to truly achieve your dream physique. You MUST assume the identity of already being in incredible shape before this journey begins. I will teach you how.
24/7 Accountability and Support
Having a real accountability framework around you is essential to make progress. Even on your worst days, I will ensure that you get in incredible shape despite your busy schedule.
This pic was taken a few years ago.
After a few unlucky sports injuries,
And a knee injury that caused me issues years down the line,
I decided to take it upon myself to learn how to level up my body and make it resilient.
I did random workouts at the gym that I thought were helping me, but in reality, they were making me feel stiff and sore.
I neglected my diet, causing me to lack energy and feel extremely tired
I completely failed to prioritise my sleep, which ruined my muscle recovery.
But everything changed, when I decided there had to be another way.
This is how I got into mobility and functional training which, contrary to popular belief,
I realised is actually one of the most effective ways to completely transform your physique
Now, I have the lean, muscular physique I've always wanted
My energy levels are through the roof, allowing me to focus on my business
And my gut health is impeccable
So if you're on the fence as to whether getting a coach is even for you
Simply watch my free training where I break down EXACTLY how I've transformed the lives of 100s of clients and counting.
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm so busy, will I have time to workout?
With our proven framework, we've developed a system to get you incredible results whilst only working out 3 times per week. Time will not be an issue.
Does online coaching really work?
With an in person trainer, they come, you guys workout and then they leave. You're just another appointment on their calendar. There's no accountability, nutritional guidance, mindset mastery, body optimisation or even just habit tracking. We provide 10x the value of an in person trainer AND online is more convenient as you don't have to wait for someone to come to start working out.
My last coach was way to busy with other clients. How many people do you take on at once?
We pride ourselves on only taking on 20 clients at one particular time. This ensures I'm able to make a 1 to 1 connection with each client, and call you a friend by the end of the process.
How is this program different from other programs
With our program, we ensure you don't just see a physical transformation but a life transformation. Other coaches just give you nice body. We give you a nice body that's fun and comfortable to live in. We ensure, with a body optimisation series, your sleep, habits, mobility, mindset are all improved.
Additionally, with our unique framework and weekly training audits, we ensure you never get bored of your program and face a new challenge every single week.
Is there a money back guarantee?
With our elite coaching mechanism, results are inevitable. However, we STILL offer a performance guarantee. If by the end of the program you haven't achieved the results you wanted, we will work with you for free until you do.